Archive for September, 2007


Brother-in-law makes good

September 30, 2007

Thursday night, 9.30pm, BBC2, although you can watch it online tomorrow!

The few sketches I’ve seen have had me weeping with laughter. This show is going to be the most awesomest thing ever!

(Update: I notice Peter very kindly gave me a credit as script editor. Don’t believe a word of it. I came in early on for a few chats, but the content of the show was as much a delightful surprise to me as I trust it was to you.)


Perry Farrell goes nuts, shocks British MPs with racist comments.

September 30, 2007


Oh, wait, no, it’s not Perry Farrell. It’s Debra Cagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs to Defence Secretary Robert Gates, pictured here receiving the Iron Cross for statements like “I hate all Iranians.


Britain says no to lunatics

September 30, 2007


Hey, creationists! Tony Blair’s not in power anymore so it’s time to get your ignorant, crazy asses out of UK classrooms!


The IT Crowd, Episode 6

September 28, 2007


It’s all over! Tonight’s episode is really, really funny, but the ending’s a bit shit (although you might like it! After last week, I don’t know what to think).

I’ve really enjoyed the run. We seem to have turned a corner in terms of the general perception of the show. Someone called us ‘overrated” in one newspaper! Hurray!

Thanks again for all the nice comments these last six weeks. I feel pretty fired up now, and ready to start sorting through my notes for series 3.

You’ve been a great audience! Goodnight!


Pop Quiz

September 27, 2007


How much money has Blackwater made in Iraq? Guess.



September 27, 2007

Hmm…first time I’ve had to write one of these and hopefully the last. I just wanted to apologise for my last post about ‘The Truth About Food’. Why? Over to one of my readers…

“You are right about their response, it is nothing more than banal
lip-service – but your response to theirs is just puerile. It’s got
name-calling, non-sequiturs, putting words in their mouths, ignoring
points you don’t like, the whole works. I cannot reconcile that any
person who had a hand in Big Train could
be so vapid.”

I have to say, I can’t disagree with any of this. I’m quite embarrassed about the post. I fired it off too
quickly and let my anger and contempt get the better of me and now it sits there, a permanent reminder of what I’m like when I let my emotions take the wheel. Yes, the show is disgusting, and I do have contempt for the people responsible, and I hate how some producers feel they need to sink to the lowest level imaginable in order to scoop up viewers too morbidly fascinated to change the channel, but that’s no excuse for being shrill.

From now on my rule is, count to ten before posting anything. And as for ‘The Truth About Food’, rest assured, I will not speak of it again.


Again? We just did it!

September 27, 2007

Mouth-crackingly funny SNL sketch with Christopher Walken. I love this kind of routine. Anyone know who wrote it?


Please! My cheeldren need wine!

September 25, 2007


A commentary!

A very short thing about being in the studio audience which is only there to prove that there is, in fact, a studio audience!

An exciting mystery that our IT Guy understands but I don’t really but which still sounds cool!


And more! (I think there’s one other thing.)

Can you afford NOT to own it? Even if you hate it, don’t you want to get it so you can write down all the bits you don’t like that you may have missed first time around?

Everyone’s happy!

(Update:  Sean, IT Guy to ‘The IT Crowd’, writes “Do you think your international readers might like to know that we tried to make it non-region encoded (but we weren’t allowed), and that only want $6 for shipping the DVD to the USA and 8.30AUD for Australia?”

He also points to this completely unrelated link .)


‘Teacher fired for saying the Bible should not be taken literally’

September 24, 2007

“I’m just a little bit shocked myself that a college in good standing
would back up students who insist that people who have been through
college and have a master’s degree, a couple actually, have to teach
that there were such things as talking snakes or lose their job.” Link


“I hope the thoughts you have will be lovely…”

September 24, 2007

My wife and I moved back to Dublin a while back. We thought it seemed like a good place to bring up kids, and it is, but we both miss London too much. But something happened today that makes me wonder if we should stick around after all.

Basically, my wife walked in holding a letter and a ‘Robt. Roberts Luxury tea-bag’.

“Read this,” she said, handing me the letter.

Here’s the text in full.

The Carpet Cleaning Company

Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning.

Helen, what a funny time of year…

Dear Helen,

What a funny time of year. So much going on, memories, perhaps of years gone by, school days, either love them or hate them.

Children going to school for the very first time, the excitement, tinged with sadness, hope, worry, it’s all there.

It might be sheer relief at getting the house back to yourself and a chance to get things done, maybe even the carpets and upholstery cleaned.

Of course the football season is in full swing, rugby internationals coming up soon. If you’re a sports fan you’ll probably love this time of year.

Autumn, the evening closing in, perhaps time to get reading again. Night school and the chance to do a course you’ve always wanted to do.

Years ago………..

A man told you “you should always take a few moments every day for yourself”.

Have a cup of tea, with our compliments, take a few quiet minutes for yourself, I hope the thoughts you have will be lovely.

Sincerely yours,

Mick Doherty

Managing Director

P.S. Use this letter to avail of up to 50 euro off your next cleaning appointment.

P.P.S This offer ends on Friday 28th September 2007 at 5.30pm sharp. Please quote ref: 31
Isn’t that delightful? Completely mental, of course, but delightful. I especially love “a chance to get things done,maybe even have the carpets and upholstery cleaned.” Very subtle! Oh, Ireland! God bless ya!