

Will there be a fifth series of The IT Crowd?



Will you read my script?

Send it to my agent Sue Rodgers and she’ll tell you my rates for a read and a full set of notes. However, I really do suggest you contact a proper script editor, like my man, Andrew Ellard.

Is it I.T Crowd or ‘it Crowd’?
My awesome wife came up with the title after I started musing about casting Richard Ayoade as an IT guy. She said “You could call it “The it Crowd” and in my heart of hearts, that’s the ‘proper’ title because of the pun on “the in crowd”. But people seem to prefer ‘The I.T. Crowd’ and I sort of like it too for different reasons. So neither is wrong and both are right. Annoying, I know.
(My wife: “But it is ‘The it Crowd’”)

Will there ever be more ‘Black Books’?

I doubt it, but it’s not a question for me–I only did the first series.

Will you do my podcast?
Probably not, but it’s nothing against you. Just get a lot of requests to do podcasts.

Where’s your blog?
Here! Why That’s Delightful
Following me on Twitter is a better bet, though.

Was that you shouting “Fuckin’ ell” during the crowd scene in ‘Chirpy Burpy Cheep Sheep’?

What’s a “unicorn chaser”?

From the Urban Dictionary: “Serves as a cleansing of the palate after a viewer has been subjected to a distasteful internet image or experience”. Coined by the kids at Boing Boing, I believe.

Have you seen the Ted House on Google Maps?

Yes, I have.

How do I watch those geoblocked videos you link to on Twitter?

Try Tunnelbear!

Do you have any advice for someone trying to write sitcoms?

Yes, I do! So much advice!  You can find it all on the commentary for ‘IT Crowd Series 4’.



  1. […] word on the press is that the 5th series of The IT Crowd will be “the last hurrah” for the cast. This […]

  2. […] Via his blogs’ FAQ […]

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