Archive for September, 2008


The Jar Glove

September 28, 2008

Oooh, it’s just a hair too long, isn’t it? (See how the audience sort of goes away because they don’t know how to keep laughing at it.) But, still, awesomely funny sketch from SNL. Link

(Thanks, Tim–although I know it’s not the clip you suggested.)


“Will there be a Vice Presidential Debate on Thursday?”

September 28, 2008

Cynical C asks a very good question.

“Will there be a Vice Presidential Debate on Thursday?

Last night after the debate, Joe Biden was on CNN for a rebuttal. It’s barely an interview with Wolf Blitzer asking a few softball questions and most of Biden’s speech is of course scripted. When they came back from commercial, Blitzer said that they had received emails asking why CNN wasn’t giving Palin a chance for a rebuttal. The answer was that they had asked the campaign if Palin would be available for the rebuttal and the campaign declined because apparently they are doing everything in their power shy of taking out a restraining order on anybody who could get close enough to aim a microphone at Palin

At this point, I just don’t see how they’re going to let Palin go on a televised debate which has a good chance of being one of the most highly watched debates of all time, when they won’t even turn her loose on a mostly scripted rebuttal for fear that she’ll get tripped up and start spouting nonsensical answers such as what else she can see outside her window. Seriously, has anybody ever seen a campaign treat their Vice Presidential candidate like the Gimp from Pulp Fiction, bound, gagged, and locked in a chest for safe keeping?

I just don’t think that they will let her debate Biden. What do you Cynics think?” Link


Jesus Christ!

September 28, 2008

(Thanks, Robert!)


A lovely thing is no more

September 27, 2008

Music industry twats destroy Muxtape


A heartbeat away…

September 27, 2008

…from the first Beauty Queen President!

(You Tube keep pulling the video so go here if the above doesn’t work.)

Via Cynical C



September 27, 2008

More sugar from Nacho Vigalondo, the man that brought you the ace 7:35 in the Morning. This isn’t quite as neat, but man,  I really do get the feeling we’re in the presence of greatness here.

(Thanks Martan!)


Sometimes you don’t need any bait…

September 27, 2008

…sometimes the fish just jump right into the boat. Link


Sprechen sie shite!

September 26, 2008


Oh, perfect, PERFECT, gag

September 25, 2008



McCain/Linehan 2008

September 21, 2008

Remember Obama’s pastor? How controversial he was and everything? Well, Sarah Palin has a pastor friend too. His name is Thomas Muthee, and apparently, he was once involved in a witchhunt. This is not a figure of speech. He found someone who he thought was a witch, and he and his flock succesfully drove her from her home (after first shooting her python, which they thought was a demon).

Now, to be fair, she doesn’t seem to have had much association with him beyond kissing his tooshie a little during a recent speech, but still. I think I can safely say I am the full six degrees of separation from anyone who believes in witches. Sarah Palin is separated from this guy by NO-ONE.

Now, I want you to seriously think about this one before answering, but… doesn’t that make me a better candidate for the position of Vice President of the United States?

I await Senator McCain’s call.

(via yesbutnobutyes)