
What is this?! Why aren’t you just FIXING VISTA?!

January 13, 2009

I should just quit this site and replace it with a direct link to Videogum. Every day, it’s more gold from those guys, and I can only do justice to the following by relaying what they have to say on the matter.

“In 2009, even the lamest cultural contributions have some kind of underlying self-awareness. Like, even the people who work for Bill O’Reilly, or the SkyMall catalog, are aware that what they work on sucks. But a job’s a job and they probably find a way to have fun with it (especially at the SkyMall catalog.) So that’s why this REAL commercial for Microsoft’s new Songsmith software (you sing at it and it creates horrible musak to accompany you) is completely insane. Not only is it apparently earnest and not a parody, self- or otherwise, it seems like it comes from a bizarro parallel universe where irony was never discovered. It’s like Microsoft found some kind of home-schooling Christian commune in the woods and hired them to make their commercial.”

(Update: I just realised! It’s ‘Trapped In The Closet’ by white people! They even mention a closet!)

(Update 2:  Jim says “… the father in the ad is actually one of the developers, Dan Morris.  I’ll bet the guy in the coffee shop is another developer.So the reason the whole ad feels ‘off’ is probably because they made it themselves.”)


  1. […] What is this?! Why aren’t you just FIXING VISTA?! I should just quit this site and replace it with a direct link to Videogum. Every day, it’s more gold from those […] […]

  2. […] Why That’s Delightful) The Microsoft Soundsmith ad. Wow, my god. Any god! This video shows how damaged judgement within […]

  3. […] Notes on Camp (!), it is attracting a lot of attention. Not least from Graham Linehan, who points out the similarities between it and Trapped In The Closet (the world-renowned hip-hopera). Me, I […]

  4. […] Why, That’s Delightful! Graham Linehan’s Hompendium of Dorithies. « Why they want to make it a crime to take photographs of the police Songsmith puts the global financial meltdown in musical perspective! April 11, 2009 (If you don’t know what Songsmith is, read this first.) […]

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