Archive for December, 2008


An inch lower, and it would have been the best Christmas ever.

December 15, 2008

Actually, no, the guy’s aim is right on; Bush just works fast to get out of the way.
Hate to be an armchair critic, but I think the trick is to allow for the movement, and aim lower. In my heart of hearts, though, I just don’t see the opportunity arising again. Oh, God, if only the guy had thrown it while Bush was looking at Al-Maliki! Why couldn’t that have happened? The sound alone would have almost made up for the last eight years!

(Thanks, Vaughny!)


What Roy was actually looking at tonight…

December 13, 2008


…tried to write it into the show but couldn’t…(Thanks for another brilliant job, Michael!)


Ceci n’est pas une series de tubes

December 12, 2008


Channel 4, 10.05pm. One of my favourites…


Yeeeeeshy yikes yikes yikes!

December 12, 2008



December 11, 2008


F-Man writes…

“Dear Graham, or anyone else who is Dublin and loves Guided By Voices….

Ireland’s leading (*cough*) Guided By Voices covers band, Voided By Ponces, will be making their live debut this coming Saturday. If you like GBV then you should come along.

It’s an afternoon gig. So, in the grand Christmas tradition, you can do some shopping, then pop in to the gig for a convivial “few”, and then leave your shopping behind. AND ITS FREE IN!!!

There will be some charitable spin crowbarred into the affair, given the craze for such philanthropy.

Can’t you find time in your schedule to pick up for God’s sake, when we call you back to the lake?”

I’m in London, sadly, but my heart will be upstairs in Anseo, Camden Street, 13th December at 3.00pm.



December 9, 2008

(Thanks, Simon!)


Sneak preview of the next episode!

December 9, 2008

Dohhhh! This crazy parrot causes no end of trouble with his hilarious, justified swearing!


Happy Christmas, me!

December 9, 2008


Yes, please! It’s the angry mob playset!


An awesome gamble for a film-maker

December 8, 2008

Make that two film-makers, Darren Aronfsky and Mickey Rourke. And it looks like it might pay off! Have you SEEN the trailer for ‘The Wrestler’? Link

(Update: Make that three film-makers! Thanks to Mark for reminding me that I forgot to include the writer Robert Siegel. Shame on me!)

In other news…Steve Martin has made Pink Panther 2.


…and we like tramps!

December 5, 2008


More bad language, I’m afraid. In my defense, we did try and come up with an alternative, but nothing felt as funny. Sorry to bring the tone down, Channel 4! (IT Crowd, ‘Tramps Like us’, 10.00pm)